Thursday, March 31, 2011

April 1

Chapter 50

The Rule of Benedict April 1

We have in this chapter a good example of circumstances that are more similar to our own as non-cloistered members of an order.  We must be equipped with spiritual practices that can sustain us throughout our days outside of a monastery, just as those referenced here who are working at a great distance.  This task of becoming so equipped has, in fact, been the most important work that our order has done over this first year.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 31

Chapter 49

The Rule of Benedict March 31

As I read this chapter and my notes from the last few times through the Rule, I realize that I had intended to ask you each to share with me your Lenten observance(s) so that I could hold them with you in prayer.  It makes perfect sense, if we are listening for how we can apply the wisdom of Benedict to our lives, that we would share the additional practices or fasts we have taken on with the Prior.  This path is a community path, not a solo journey.

March 30

Chapter 48 pt. 3

The Rule of Benedict March 30

It seems to me as that many in our culture find their days spent between the two extremes of frenetic busyness and idleness.  We are consumed by tasks, one after another, until we crash in front of a television or computer screen and, as we put it in our family, "veg".  Benedict's vision for our days is one of balance: ora et labora, prayer and work.  We are to work, but work mindfully with attention to Spirit.  We are to pray and study with that same mindfulness, allowing the gentle rhythm to take hold and form us into the likeness of Christ.  Let us continue to seek Father Benedict's vision of balance for our days.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 29

Chapter 48 pt. 2

The Rule of Benedict March 29

In this passage we see Benedict creating conditions for ever further spiritual formation throughout the year.  We also see him building into these conditions a support system for those who might resist going further.  How is it that our lives can conform to Father Benedict's intentions here?  Besides our practices of prayer, what other intention can we apply to the formation of our souls?  This seems to me to be part of the work we are to do with our spiritual directors as we develop a personal rule of life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 28

Chapter 48

The Rule of Benedict March 28

We have in this section of chapter 48 a picture of a balanced life.  One challenge of living as a non-cloistered vowed community is that of finding a structure for our days that strikes a balance between prayer and work.  Reading, in this chapter, is regarded by Benedict as prayer, and the type of reading that he is referencing here is known as Lectio Divina.  There are many resources available if you would like to know more about this ancient Benedictine practice.  The question that this passage poses to us seems to me to be the following. What sort of time and attention do we devote throughout our day to open and prayerful attention to the Spirit's voice in our lives?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 27

Chapter 47

The Rule of Benedict March 27

I have observed, over the course of these last months, that the primary work we have been called to thus far as vowed members of our order is the work of establishing our personal practices of daily prayer.  In the most natural of ways, this central element of Benedict's Rule, the Work of God, has replaced my focus on our roles as that task towards which our efforts should be applied.  I sense that this has been the kind work of the Spirit in our midst, and, as with all that she does in the hearts of the willing, it has borne good fruit.

Let us give thanks today to God, who has seen to the ringing of the bell and has given us the grace to respond in obedience.

March 26

Chapter 46

The Rule of Benedict March 26

Father Benedict desires to cultivate a climate of trust and intimacy in the community.  Without trust, the community is poisoned by cycles of deception, suspicion, and accusation.  Without safe intimacy, the individual suffers the soul-killing trajectory of hidden guilt, self-loathing, and hardness of heart.

Let us be a community of absolute safety for each other.  Let us set aside all that would keep us from trusting ourselves and our sisters and brothers in the course of our formation.  I encourage us each to consider who can be for us a spiritual mother or father to whom we can reveal our hidden sin-sickness of the soul.  And let us also consider whether we are called to be a spiritual father or mother for another.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 25

Chapter 45

The Rule of Benedict March 25

This little chapter, I must admit, makes me chuckle.  I can relate, though, to the experience of one who comes unprepared to an event or gathering for which he should have prepared and who, then, tries to cover up for the lack of preparation by speaking too much or by withholding his participation.  Benedict would have us be honest about ourselves--prepared or not.  Let us first endeavor to be honest, and, second, let us seek to establish a personal practice that results in our being genuinely prepared to participate in the oratory of our community.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 24

Chapter 44

The Rule of Benedict March 24

I still believe that our order is not in a place where it should be considering disciplinary measures.  I do appreciate, however, that Benedict's instructions for restoration after excommunication are not naive--"let's shake hands and forget it"--but take seriously the relational and spiritual realities at play.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 23

Chapter 43 pt. 2

The Rule of Benedict March 23

Clearly, our community meals look very different than those for which Benedict is giving instruction here, but, as always, there are values below the surface of things to which we should pay attention.  I hear first that we should engage dinner on Thursday nights in ways that help to create safe space for all present.  I also hear from this reading a calling to see our highest priority regarding meals and food to be that of community well-being rather than self-interest.

I would also like to say that the last paragraph of this chapter sounds awfully familiar as a parent of young children.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 22

Chapter 43 pt. 1

The Rule of Benedict March 22

The primary value that I see coming through in this first part of Chapter 43 is that of honoring the formative work of the Spirit in community prayer by removing ourselves from the realm of things that distract from that work.  Let us, then, continue to make an effort to engage our common life of prayer in both the BSBSB and in St. Brigid's Community with a humble fervor that inspires, rather than distracts from, the full engagement of others.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21

Chapter 42

The Rule of Benedict March 21

I hear from this chapter that silence is a value we ought to hold high in our personal practice.  I also think it important to recognize that the type of silence we each need to cultivate depends upon the kind of noise that fills each of our lives.  Whatever it looks like for us, let us seek to make room for silence in our daily lives.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 20

Chapter 41

The Rule of Benedict March 20

"The principle is that the superior should manage everything so prudently that the saving work of grace may be accomplished in the community and whatever duties the community undertakes may be carried out without any excuse for murmuring."

Murmuring or grumbling is the enemy of transformation, or the "saving work of grace".  It is up to each member to keep from falling prey to it as much as it is up to the Prior to avoid giving occasion for it.  Objecting to a decision made by a superior is not, in itself, grumbling.  Grumbling happens when we say in our hearts or quietly out of earshot that we object.  Let us remain open to being formed, even if we object, and if we object, let us speak to the Prior honestly and directly.

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 19

Chapter 40

The Rule of Benedict March 19

"Above all else I urge that there should be no murmuring in the community."  These are Benedict's concluding words to this chapter, and they show what his highest priority is regarding the amounts of food and drink consumed by the community.  More than anything else, it's important that those who follow the Benedictine way are content with what is provided for them.  This principle of contentedness goes well beyond food and drink to the heart of what we are about: the relinquishing of our prejudgments and desires in favor of the Spirit's guidance in our lives.

March 18

Chapter 39

The Rule of Benedict March 18

Given that we share a community meal each week, I hear from this chapter a call to be mindful with regard to food and drink.  Let us seek to recognize in ourselves any hints of ingratitude or criticism of the meal, and, on the other hand, let us be aware of our impulses and desires that would have us cast aside moderation as we enjoy the abundance and generosity of our community.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 17

Feast of St. Patrick

Chapter 38

The Rule of Benedict March 17

This chapter provided the occasion for my first unintentional crossing of a boundary between our lay order and the rest of St. Brigid's Community.  It was a good wake up call for me to hear the voices of those who are very much a part of St. Brigid's who are not keen on having their experience within the community directed by the Rule of Benedict.  As surprising as I found this dynamic among my fellow community members, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone has taken a vow to "serve God and all people according to the Rule of St. Benedict."

I wonder if, upon reflection, we might be able to offer each other and our non-vowed sisters and brothers our own reasons for valuing the Rule.  For my part, I am drawn to the brutally honest, yet deeply compassionate approach to real, tangible spiritual formation in the human being.  I have found that, in submitting myself to the wisdom of Father Benedict, I am changing in real, tangible ways.  How about you?  Why the Rule of Benedict?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 16

Chapter 37

The Rule of Benedict March 16

Benedict lets his compassion and gentleness shine through in this chapter.  Let us seek to embody these as well in our practice and expectations as we bring Benedict's Rule to bear on our life together.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 15

Chapter 36

The Rule of Benedict March 15

This chapter raises the question, "Who are our sick?"

It seems to me that if one of us becomes physically sick, I, as Prior, should see to it that the BSBSB is called upon to offer prayers and whatever help might be needed or desired.  In our context it might also be appropriate to think of our sick as those of us who suffer from emotional or spiritual pain.  In such cases our order can likewise offer our prayers, and we can also each offer our presence in compassion and love.  But such ailments often go undetected in even the closest of communities.  Let us, then, not hesitate to share our pain and open ourselves to the ministry of healing God seeks to do through our sisters and brothers.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 14

Chapter 35 pt. 2

The Rule of Benedict March 14

I think it would be very appropriate to incorporate a ritual at the end of our Thursday night service in which the kitchen servers are given a blessing to do their work.  I'll speak to Gil about what that could look like.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 13

Chapter 35 pt. 1

The Rule of Benedict March 13

As (local) members of the BSBSB, we should each make it a point to regularly serve as kitchen servers on Thursday nights.  There is a blessing in faithful, prayerful service to the members of one's community.  Let us seek to willingly know this blessing in our lives.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 12

Chapter 34

The Rule of Benedict March 12

In this chapter, Father Benedict demonstrates the gentleness with which we are to treat each other and ourselves.  Our endeavors together are not in the service of an ideal or even of a vow or promise made, they are to form us into souls who are fully at home where God is at home.  And if we are to be formed at all, we must be formed from where we are right now.  Let us be present to our weaknesses and humble enough to acknowledge them.  This is the only way forward.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 11

Chapter 33

The Rule of Benedict March 11

If we interpret Chapter 33 in light of my interpretation of the tools from Chapter 32, then those things which we are forbidden to keep as personal property are our gifts.  These gifts that serve us in the living out of the roles we have discerned are for the sake of the community.  To withhold them, actively or passively, from those who would benefit from them is, indeed, an activity to be avoided.  However, I believe that, especially now, we need to see the beauty inside of ourselves that we have to offer.  Let us rid ourselves of guilt and the internal voices of condemnation.  Let us share of ourselves with joy and freedom and love.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 10

Chapter 32

The Rule of Benedict March 10

It seems to me that a direct application of Chapter 32 is appropriate with the understanding that the tools of the BSBSB are the gifts we have discerned and use in our roles.  Let us consider, especially in this time of Lenten reflection, how we might be slovenly or careless with these tools.  What might it look like to amend?

March 9

Ash Wednesday

Chapter 31 pt. 2

The Rule of Benedict March 9

This second half of Chapter 31 conveys to me a spirit of hearth and home that Benedict seeks to instill in the monastic community.  The gentle organization and the humble carrying out of the duties of cellarer remind me of the households I have known wherein love, courtesy, and peace describe the family culture.  I feel this same spirit in our order.  Let us take care to tend the fire.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 8

Chapter 31 pt.1

The Rule of Benedict March 8

It's not at all obvious how the role of a cellarer would function within our order since we share so few possessions in common.  I can imagine, however, a time when the BSBSB might have a member who feels called into this role, and we will have the joy of witnessing the Spirit shape a cellarer for our order just as we are now watching her give form to our own callings.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 7

Chapter 30

The Rule of Benedict March 7

As Sr. Joan points out, Benedictine discipline is always intended to heal, always to contribute to the formation of the individual.  The support we offer to each other should also be so intended.  As Prior, it is my responsibility to encourage or admonish or remind or be silent as is best for the formation of each member of our order.  Let us consider how all our interactions within the BSBSB can serve this intention.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 6

Chapter 29

The Rule of Benedict March 6

As we approach this season of Lenten discernment about renewing our vows, and as we consider those who have already decided to leave, let us hold a safe space in our order for the honest, earnest question at hand.  There must be nothing to fear in this decision for each of us.  If there is fear or dread surrounding this decision, please talk to me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 5

Chapter 28

The Rule of Benedict March 5

Again, I know that there is deep wisdom in this chapter, but I find little in it on which our order should dwell at this time.  We need to think in terms of mild and kind encouragement along our common path.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 4

Chapter 27

The Rule of Benedict March 4

I appreciate that Father Benedict knows the temptation of leadership to enjoy the fellowship of the healthy and to avoid the care of the sick.  In reality, "healthy" is an illusion that results from our own sense of safety and comfort.  What is called for in this chapter is that which I think our order is called to at this time: the holding of weaknesses with kindness, gentleness, and patience.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 3

Chapter 26

The Rule of Benedict March 3

I have experienced first hand how wise this chapter is, but as I wrote yesterday, these are not matters on which our order should be focusing at this time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 2

Chapter 25

The Rule of Benedict March 2

My comments from yesterday's chapters can be applied here as well.  I believe that we must hold lightly the very idea of faults and consequences at this stage in our life together.  That which we must guard against now is the temptation to find fault with each other and the desire to issue consequences.  Now is the time for gentle encouragement and patience in our order.