Chapter 4 pt. 1
The Rule of St. Benedict September 18
Numbers 10-13 in this chapter about the tools for good works:
To deny oneself in order to follow Christ.
To chastise the body.
Not to become attached to pleasures.
To love fasting.
provide a fascinating commentary on number 9:
And not to do to another what one would not have done to oneself.
Our culture generally conceives of the golden rule with regard to simple pleasure or pain: "I don't want to feel pain, so I won't cause it in others," but our Father Benedict prescribes a treatment of oneself that is difficult and unpleasant in the service of transformation.
So perhaps I should ask myself the question, "which me does not want to be treated in such a such a way," when considering my actions towards others. Is it the me that wants to be transformed and is willing to suffer difficulty and unpleasantness in order to change? Or is it the me that simply wants to feel pleasure and not pain? How does this effect my practice of the golden rule?
Br. Chad 2012
Good thoughts Br. Chad... which me? The one that wants the medicine? I hope so...